Philosophy vs Work
The podcast that examines the Ethics of the “Work Ethic” and other philosophical and socio-political questions regarding Work, Life, and Death.
New episodes (most) Tuesdays!
Host Michael Murray holds a Master's in Ethics and Applied Philosophy from UNC Charlotte, where his research focus was on Marxism, Existentialism, and Critical Theory. He finished his BA Summa Cum Laude with Departmental Honors in Art History, also from UNCC. He was a faculty Teaching Assistant as both Graduate and Undergraduate, for Philosophy and Art History.
He is also a rising talent in Commercial and Video Narration Voiceover.
Philosophy vs Work
Happy Hour with Amanda Cranford of Dish Restaurant
Hey everyone, this week’s episode is going to be a bit different. Rather than the usual philosophical info-tainment, today we’re going to focus more on the work side of the equation. I recently had the opportunity to chat with an old friend, Amanda Cranford, the owner-operator of Dish, here in Charlotte, in the Plaza-Midwood neighborhood. We had a few drinks and discussed the restaurant industry, being a small business owner, and of course a bit about work-philosophy and ethics, as well as the role she had played in informing my MA research paper, Toward Meaningful Work.
Please let me know your thoughts on this type of content, and any other thoughts you have about the show, in the comments.
A quick note for those of you that listen on headphones, this conversation was recorded on site at Dish. They were slow at the time, but they were open. I’ve mitigated as much as I can (at least, as much as I can and know how to, at this time) any really intrusive noise - plates, machine squeals, etc., but it’s not perfect. So, if you typically listen on headphones and/or at a high volume, maybe try this one down a notch.
And with that, I present the first Philosophy vs Work Happy Hour.
Don't forget to check out Dish! (this episode was not sponsored)
Instagram: @eatatdish
Also, I could not recall or find the details of the bakery I was thinking of, but if you're interested in co-ops, its a somewhat popular model for bakeries and grocery stores. City Bakery in Asheville is not a co-op, but it is a Family Owned small business. Publix is privately held by the Jenkins Family (family of founder George Jenkins, 20%) and its employees (80%).